Конгрес DOG в Берлин, 28.09 – 1.10.23

Уважаеми колеги,

по молба на Немското офталмологично дружество и настоящия президент проф. Бехракис, прилагаме  информация за предстоящия конгрес на DOG в Берлин.

Dear Sir or Madame,

As a tradition, ophthalmologists from Middle Eastern European and Eastern European countries are very welcome to participate in the DOG congress and will be supported with reduced registration fees, travel awards for best abstracts submitted and hotel booking if needed.

Our International Experts Day and further session formats will be offered in English language.

We would highly appreciate if you forwarded this information to interested ophthalmologists in your society to subscribe to our mailing list so they may receive all relevant information on our congress (https://en.dog-kongress.de/registrierung/newsletter).

За повече информация: https://en.dog-kongress.de/