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Members of BRS
Art. 8. (1) Members of BRS can be ophthalmologists, doctors specializing in eye diseases, doctors with other specialties, as well as non-profit legal entities operating in the field of ophthalmology.
Art. 9. Membership in the BRS is voluntary, with no restrictions on members’ political, ethnic or religious affiliation.
Art. 10. (1) Persons who meet the requirements of this statute as members of BRS are accepted by decision of the Management Board (BoD) based on a written application signed by the candidate for admission or submitted by e-mail, to which evidence of the fulfillment of the requirements of this statute is attached..
Members’ rights and obligations
Equality of members
Art. 11. All members of the BRS are equal in terms of the rights and obligations set forth in these statutes.
Art. 12. (1) Members’ of BRS rights:
(2) The rights under para. 1, items 1-4 are exercised, taking into account the limitations provided for in this statute.
Obligations of members
Art. 13. (1) Each BRS member is obliged to:
Membership fee
Art. 14. (1) Each member of BRS is obliged to pay the membership fee determined by the general assembly.
Art. 15. The amount of the membership fee is determined by the general meeting, and when the company is established by the founding meeting.
Art. 16. (1) The membership fee for the entire year is paid in full for the respective year by March 30. When holding a general meeting of the association after January 1, but before March 30, the membership fee for the relevant year must be paid at least 5 days before the date of the meeting, and in case of non-payment, the Art. 19.
(2) Persons accepted as members of the association after March 30 shall pay their membership fee within 10 (ten) days from the submission of the application for their admission, and the amount of the membership fee payable by them for the year of their admission is proportional to the months remaining until the end of the year, with the membership fee determined by the general meeting due for each month.
Section II
Termination of membership
Grounds for termination of membership
Art. 17. (1) Termination of membership in BRS could be:
(2) The termination of membership under items 1 and 3 is determined by a decision of the BRS Management Board.
(3) In the cases under para. 1, item 1 and item 4 (upon restoration of rights) membership is acquired again in the order of admission of new members.
Art. 18. (1) A member of the association may be expelled due to:
(2) The expulsion decision is made by the BRS Management Board, stating the behavior of the member that served as a basis for his expulsion, the prerequisites for the expulsion, the reasons of the Board and the results of the voting in the Board of the expulsion issue.
(3) The decision to exclude may be appealed by the excluded member to the General Assembly, for which purpose an extraordinary general assembly is convened or the matter is considered at a regular General Assembly if one is convened. The excluded member has the right to present his opinion before the general assembly within no more than 20 minutes, after which voting is started.
Suspension of membership
Art. 19. (1) A member of the association who has not paid his membership fee in the manner, in the amount and within the period provided for in this statute loses his right to be elected to the association’s bodies, as well as his right to vote in the meetings of the general meeting for the relevant year. Such a member of the association has the right to attend the meetings of the general assembly in the relevant year without the right to vote.
(2) In order to automatically restore his suspended rights under the previous sentence, the member of the association must pay the annual membership fee for both years for which he did not pay it.
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